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Food (In) compatibilities – Cultural (In) compatibilities

Date de la dernière mise à jour : 14.09.2020 | Imprimer la page

Vă informăm că evenimentul Food (In) compatibilities – Cultural (In) compatibilities se va desfăşura între 6 şi 8 mai, online, într-o suită de video conferinţe, adaptată decalajului de fus orar (San Francisco -  Montpellier - Istanbul - Timişoara). 

International Conference and Postgraduate Course in Food Anthropology at “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara and Artship Foundation San Francisco 6th – 8th MAY 2020 Timisoara

 Food (In) compatibilities – Cultural (In) compatibilities

Evenimentul, organizat de universitatea noastră în colaborare cu Artship Foundation din San Francisco, vă invită la o masă rotundă, alături de specialişti din mai multe domenii ale cunoaşterii, în jurul unui subiect fundamental pentru fiinţa umană: hrana şi natura acesteia. Demarată cu argumente antropologice, discuţia va intra apoi în varii zone de interes cultural şi ştiiţific, urmărind trei arii de dezbatere : conceptele de foame şi de saţietate, gustul şi dezgustul, încorporarea. 

Evenimentul se adresează tuturor celor interesaţi, deopotrivă specialiştilor şi studenţilor.

Pentru specialiştii interesaţi de certificarea cursului postuniversitar (18 credite CMR), se recomandă participarea la toate prelegerile din program, iar taxa este de 500 de lei (50% pentru medicii rezidenţi), şi se va achita conform

Participarea studenţilor este gratuită, indiferent de cursul sau de workshop-ul ales.

Formularele de înscriere se adresează dnei conf. univ. dr. Gabriela-Mariana Luca, coorganizator,


International Conference and Postgraduate Course in Food Anthropology at “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara and Artship Foundation San Francisco 6th – 8th MAY 2020 Timisoara

 Food (In) compatibilities – Cultural (In) compatibilities

The event organized by our University, in cooperation with Artship Foundation from San Francisco, invites you to take part in a roundtable discussion, together with specialists from different fields of knowledge, on a topic which is fundamental for the human being: food and its nature. The discussion is initiated by means of anthropological arguments but will then follow different lines of cultural and scientific interest, outlining three areas of debate: the concept of hunger and of satiety, taste and distate /disgust, incorporation. 

The event is open to all those who are interested, both specialists and students.

For the specialists interested in the certified Postgraduate course (18 CMR credits), participation to all lectures in the program is recommended; the course fee is 500 RON (50% discount for Resident doctors), and will be paid according to the procedure described on the following link:

Students can take part in the program free of charge, irrespective of the chosen lecture or workshop.

Registration forms are to be filled in and sent to Associate Prof. Gabriela-Mariana Luca, co-organizer,

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